Equipment for pasteurising juice and cider. We offer in our product range smaller heaters for pasteurising smaller batches of juice on the stove (60-120l/h) and more powerful ones to fit into bigger production lines, producing up to 2000 litres per hour.
Pasteurisation kills off many spoilage micro-organisms, including yeast, and so prevents apple juice, and cider with
added or residual sugar, from fermenting, giving a longer product shelf-life. Even perfect, freshly pressed and quickly processed raw juice can be attacked by micro-organisms (fungi, yeast, bacteria) within the shortest possible time. It is therefore necessary to maintain and conserve this raw juice using a safe and gentle treatment. Non-alcoholic drinks may only be made long-life using physical processes. The most widespread method is thermal treatment- pasteurising.
Raw juice can have its life extended at temperatures under 100° C as a result of its low pH value. The temperature (usually 75 to 80° C) and duration of the heating determine the deactivation level of micro-organisms/enzymes, whereby at temperatures over 80° C there may increasingly be negative taste changes (cooking/caramel taste).